passporting News

A.M. Best Discusses What’s Ahead for UK Insurers as Brexit Deadline Looms

When the UK withdraws from the EU, and at the end of any transition period, passporting rights that currently exist between the UK and countries in the European Economic Area (EEA) are expected to cease, said A.M. Best in a …

Bank of England Pressures EU to Deliver No-Deal Brexit Fix for Financial System

The Bank of England turned up the pressure on the European Union to deliver legislation within weeks to avert a breakdown of access to London’s crucial financial infrastructure in a no-deal Brexit. “By early to mid-December, there would have to …

UK Confident It Will Form Deal with EU on Post-Brexit Financial Services Trade

The United Kingdom is confident that it is on the verge of reaching an agreement with the European Union to give London’s vast financial center access to EU markets after Brexit, Britain’s financial services minister John Glen said on Monday. …

Brexit Deal, Covering UK Financial Services, Is Closer to Completion: Officials

The United Kingdom and the European Union have made progress on a deal to give London’s dominant financial center basic access to EU markets after Brexit, two British officials said, but no agreement has yet been clinched. The deal being …

London Market Insurers’ Profits Remain Under Pressure with Excess Capacity: Fitch

The profitability of London market and Lloyd’s insurers is expected to remain under pressure in 2018, despite the fact that rates improved slightly following the catastrophe losses in the second quarter of 2017, according to Fitch Ratings in a new …

Germany Echoes UK Concerns over Post-Brexit Risk to Insurance, Derivative Contracts

European Union and U.K. authorities must agree on a political solution to the threat Brexit poses to trillions of dollars in derivatives and insurance contracts, according to Germany’s top financial regulator. Felix Hufeld, the president of BaFin, said the industry …

EU Action Needed to Ensure Post-Brexit Continuity of Cross-Border Insurance: UK

Britons living in the European Union could lose access to their UK bank account services and businesses on the continent could be cut off from investment banks in London if there is a no-deal Brexit, the British government said on …

UK Insurers Push Ahead with Brexit Plans in Absence of Trade Deal: A.M. Best Report

In the absence of a Brexit trade deal between the United Kingdom and the European Union, insurers in the UK have accelerated their plans to establish new EU subsidiaries and ensure business continuity after Brexit, according to a report published …

No-Deal Brexit: A Lose-Lose for UK and EU Financial Stability

With Brexit talks back from the summer holidays, it’s worth considering one way in which failure to reach a deal before the U.K.’s departure in March would also be bad for the European Union. Such an outcome would unsettle the …

Major Post-Brexit Risk: UK’s $33.5B of Financial Services Exports to EU

Britain must avoid tying Brussels up in red tape or antagonizing its soon to be former European Union partners and the United States if it is to maintain access to the bloc’s financial services market after Brexit. At risk is …