patent trolls News

Governments Getting Into Patent Buying Business: Reuters

Patent competition in the United States is usually a fierce arena for private companies, but now the South Korean and French governments are suiting up. Both countries have launched patent-acquisition companies, with the goal of helping domestic technology firms and …

Bipartisan House Bill Seeks to Stop Abusive Patent Lawsuits

Two U.S. Congressmen introduced a bill on Wednesday that would penalize companies that file frivolous patent infringement lawsuits, derided by critics as “patent trolls.” Representatives Peter DeFazio, an Oregon Democrat, and Jason Chaffetz, a Republican from Utah, sponsored the bill, …

President Obama Says Patent Reform Needs to Go Farther

President Barack Obama, in an unusual foray into patent law, on Thursday said U.S. patent reform needs to go farther to address the trend of companies that do not manufacture any products aggressively suing other companies for patent infringement. High-tech …

Congress Looking to Rein In ‘Patent Trolls’

A relatively obscure government agency at the center of a high stakes battle between the companies that make smartphones – Apple, Samsung Electronics, HTC and others – could well be headed for big changes. The International Trade Commission, which was …