P&C Companies News

Ireland’s FBD: Solvency Rule Program on Track as CEO Quits Unexpectedly

FBD Holdings plc said its plans to meet new solvency rules next year are on track as the Irish insurer struggles to return to profit and Andrew Langford unexpectedly quit as chief executive officer last week. Dublin-based FBD said it’s …

Zurich Insurance’s Investors Grow Impatient with CEO Senn’s Strategy

Martin Senn, Zurich Insurance Group AG’s chief executive officer, is considering a bid for RSA Insurance Group plc, one of the U.K.’s biggest insurers, after a cost-cutting program failed to revive returns for shareholders. Investors including GAM Holding AG are …

U.S. Power Grid Attack Could Cause $70 Billion in Insurance Losses: Lloyd’s Report

A cyber attack on the U.S. power grid in the Northeast would have far-reaching implications including the loss of lives, economic losses of as much as a trillion dollars, the disruption of water supplies and transportation, and potentially more than …

Near National P/C Carriers Identified for 2015

The Demotech Company Classification System, established in the Feb. 12, 2007 issue of Insurance Journal, categorizes insurers into one of 11 categories based on an analysis of data reported by the companies to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The …

Crowdsourcing Pollutant Detection: A Look at the Promise & Perils of Citizen Science

Far from being a new idea of the 21st century, scientific research conducted by amateur or non-professional scientists has a long and distinguished history. (Think Benjamin Franklin or Charles Darwin, for example.) What is new, however, is the wide array …

ACE to Acquire Chubb in $28.3 Billion Deal

In a major transaction, ACE Limited has agreed to acquire The Chubb Corp. for $28.3 billion in cash and stock. The balance sheet’s size and strength will elevate the combined company into the elite group of global P/C insurers. As …

What Insurers Want to Know When Considering Wearable Devices

In a recent blog on the subject, Mark Breading, a partner at SMA, weighed whether wearables would hurt or benefit insurers. He provided some key questions insurers should consider in developing wearables strategy. They include: • Will data derived from …

Expanding Your Sales Portfolio? Give LTCI a Second Look

If you don’t offer your clients long term care insurance (LTCI), you may be missing out. This rapidly-evolving product is more attractive than ever. LTCI is more versatile than you may remember, thanks to recent product development innovations. The need …

Opioid Abuse Rises in Construction, Manufacturing Sectors: CNA

CNA recently issued two new reports that examine the growing prescription opioid abuse epidemic and its effect on the U.S. workforce, focusing on the construction and manufacturing industries, which are particularly at risk for such abuse. The reports, Construction: Prescription …

New Regulatory Guidance Affects Insurers, Producers

Producers, brokers and insurers are all targeted by cyber attackers looking for personal identifiable information (PII) that can be used to open fraudulent credit cards. To protect PII, in April the Cybersecurity (EX) Task Force of the National Association of …