pedestrian safety News

Risk Manager: Road Design, Not Speed Limit, Key to Stopping Pedestrian Deaths

(The Center Square) โ€“ To save the lives of bikers and walkers, the question facing local and state officials isn’t getting speed limits right, but getting road design right. The difference between posted limits and how drivers actually behave can …

NHTSA Probes Pedestrian Risks at GM’s Self-Driving Unit Cruise

U.S. auto safety regulators on Tuesday opened a probe into whether General Motors’ self-driving unit Cruise is taking sufficient precautions with its autonomous robotaxis to safeguard pedestrians. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said it has received two reports …

It’s Time to Rewrite The Rules That Make U.S. Roads So Deadly: Viewpoint

A 25-year-old Yale Law student. A crossing guard. A 78-year-old woman. A high-school teacher. These are but four of the pedestrians and bikers counted among the 310 motor-vehicle-related deaths seen in 2020 in Connecticut, where I live. Our state saw …

Uber’s Self-Driving Car That Killed Pedestrian Lacked Tech to Detect Jaywalkers

Uber Technologies Inc.’s self-driving test car that struck and killed a pedestrian last year wasn’t programmed to recognize and react to jaywalkers, according to documents released by U.S. safety investigators. The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board on Tuesday released more …

Vehicles’ Pedestrian Warning Systems Need Improvement, Says IIHS

The performance of modern pedestrian detection systems varies widely between carmakers, with high-end luxury brands generally faring better and other models failing to recognize pedestrians altogether, according to a study released on Tuesday by a U.S. insurance research group. The …

More Research Needed Into How Crash Risk Is Related to Roadway Design

How dangerous is travel in the United States? It depends on how the question is framed. If it’s risk per kilometer (about 6/10ths of a mile), the U.S. has 6.71 deaths per billion vehicle kilometers of travel compared to the …

Report: Louisiana 4th in Nation for Pedestrian Danger, Deaths

Louisiana ranks among the most dangerous areas for pedestrians in a new national report. The state is listed as fourth in the nation for pedestrian fatalities in the report released by Smart Growth America. In Louisiana, 1,047 walkers were hit …

Why Not Just Retrain Pedestrians to Make Self-Driving Vehicles Safer?

You’re crossing the street wrong. That is essentially the argument some self-driving car boosters have fallen back on in the months after the first pedestrian death attributed to an autonomous vehicle and amid growing concerns that artificial intelligence capable of …

The Road Ahead for Autonomous Cars and Auto Insurance

The death of a pedestrian who was struck by an autonomous vehicle in Tempe, Arizona, has brought fresh scrutiny to the accelerating development of self-driving cars. The accident on March 18 is bound to be studied exhaustively, both to determine …

Cities Hope Fines Will Curb Distracted Walkers

This really shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone who’s done it: You are just no good at texting and walking. While you might do OK at the reading and typing part, your preoccupied brain isn’t paying enough attention to what’s …