Penn State sex abuse settlement News

Insurance Documents in Penn State Sex Abuse Case Released

Penn State coach Joe Paterno was told by a teen boy in 1976 that assistant coach Jerry Sandusky had molested him in the shower but responded that he didn’t want to hear about it and had “a football season to …

Penn State’s Sex Scandal Bill Tops $50 Million Before Civil Suits

Penn State has spent more than $50 million on fines, legal bills and other costs linked to a sex abuse scandal that has roiled the university for nearly two years, according to the school’s website. That figure does not include …

Penn State Approves Settlement Offers to Sandusky Victims

Pennsylvania State University said it approved settlement offers to some victims of Jerry Sandusky, the former assistant football coach convicted of sexually abusing 10 boys. The offers will be made to some people who made claims against the university related …