Pennsylvania Supreme Court News

Penn. High Court Deals Potential Blow To Carriers’ Denial Of Business Income Claims

In a case where no insurance company or insurance claim was involved, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued a ruling that could potentially negate one of the insurance industry’s standard bases for denial of coverage of business income claims—i.e. that COVID-19 …

Penn. High Court Rules Employer Has Duty to Safeguard Employees’ Personal Info

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ruled that an employer has a legal duty to use reasonable care in safeguarding its employees’ sensitive personal information stored on an internet-accessible computer. This vacates earlier Trial Court and Superior Court decisions in the …

Pennsylvania Can Be Held Liable for Injuries Caused by Guardrail in Crash

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has ruled that the state’s department of transportation (PennDOT) can be held liable for injuries caused by an allegedly dangerous guardrail on a Pennsylvania highway. The court found that under the state’s Sovereign Immunity Act, exemptions …