perfluoroalkyl News

Michigan Court of Appeals Upholds Decision Striking Down State Water Rules on PFAS Chemicals

DETROIT (AP) – The Michigan Court of Appeals has upheld a decision striking down state water rules designed to limit exposure to household and industrial chemicals known as PFAS, which are commonly referred to as forever chemicals. The rules, however, …

Environmental Impact of Texas Petrochemical Plant Fire Unclear

Researchers are uncertain about the environmental impact of toxic chemicals used to extinguish a three-day blaze at a Houston-area petrochemical storage facility after some leaked into a busy commercial waterway. The fire at the Intercontinental Terminals Company facility in Deer …

EPA Readies ‘Forever Chemical’ PFA Safety Plan Amid Calls for Tougher Action

The Environmental Protection Agency is expected to announce a plan for dealing with a class of long-lasting chemical contaminants amid complaints from members of Congress and environmentalists that it’s not moved aggressively enough to regulate them. So-called forever chemicals, perfluoroalkyl …

EPA Warns on Chemical Found in Nonstick Coatings

Long-term exposure to a chemical compound currently used for making nonstick coatings appears to be dangerous, even in minute amounts, according to draft findings released by the Environmental Protection Agency. It was the first time EPA weighed in on newer, …