Insured Losses from Europe’s Storm Victoria (aka Dennis) Estimated at €286M: PERILS

The initial insured property loss estimate for Europe’s extratropical cyclone “Victoria,” also known as “Dennis,” is an estimated €286 million (US$318.4 million), according to PERILS, the independent Zurich-based organization that provides industry-wide catastrophe insurance data. The event affected the British …

Insured Losses for Europe’s Storm Sabine (aka Ciara) Estimated at €1.55B: PERILS

The initial loss estimate for extratropical cyclone Sabine”, also known as “Ciara” and “Elsa,” is €1.55 billion (US$1.8 billion), according to PERILS, the independent Zurich-based organization that provides industry-wide catastrophe insurance data. The event hit the British Isles, and Western …

PERILS to Include Australian Motor in Industry Catastrophe Exposure Update

PERILS, the independent Zurich-based company that provides industry-wide catastrophe insurance data, announced it will extend its line of business reporting to include Australian motor for personal and commercial lines. PERILS will include Australian motor as part of its industry exposure …

Europe’s Storm Dragi-Eberhard Cost Insurers €782M (US$882.9M): PERILS

PERILS, the independent Zurich-based organization that provides industry-wide catastrophe insurance data, disclosed its fourth and final loss estimate of €782 million (US$882.9 million) for Europe’s Extratropical Cyclone “Dragi-Eberhard.” This compares to the previous PERILS’ loss estimate issued on Sept. 9, …

Insured Property Losses for Australia’s January Hailstorms Hit A$670M: PERILS

The initial insured property losses for January’s hailstorms in Australia are estimated at A$670 million (US$746.7 million), according to PERILS, the independent Zurich-based organization that provides industry-wide catastrophe insurance data. The storms occurred Jan. 19-21, 2020 and affected the Australian …

Insured Property Losses from Australia’s Townsville Floods in 2019 Hit A$1.24B: PERILS

PERILS, the independent Zurich-based organization that provides industry-wide catastrophe insurance data, has disclosed its fourth and final property loss estimate for the flood event which hit northern Queensland, Australia, and in particular the city of Townsville, between Jan. 26 and …

Insured Property Losses for December 2018 Sydney Hailstorms Rise to A$798M: PERILS

The fourth and final insured property loss estimate for the hailstorms that hit the greater Sydney region in December 2018 rose to A$798 million ($553.2 million), according to PERILS, the independent Zurich-based organization that provides industry-wide catastrophe insurance data. This …

Catastrophe Insurance Data Firm PERILS Expands Coverage to New Zealand

PERILS, the independent Zurich-based company that provides industry-wide catastrophe insurance data, announced it has extended its market coverage to include New Zealand. PERILS is now making available market-wide property sums insured exposed to the perils of earthquake, flood and extratropical …

CRESTA Updates Risk Accumulation Zones for 2019, Launches Website

CRESTA, the insurance industry organization that provides a standard global system of risk accumulation zones, has announced the release of the CRESTA Zones 2019, which includes updated information for 137 countries, and the launch of a new CRESTA website. Set …

Property Loss Estimate for Australia’s Townsville Floods Rises to A$1.22B: PERILS

The property insurance market loss from the Australia’s Townsville floods, which affected northern Queensland, Australia, between Jan. 26 and Feb. 10, 2019, has risen to A$1.22 billion (US$827.1 million), according to PERILS, the independent Zurich-based organization that provides catastrophe insurance …