personal health information (PHI) News

UnitedHealth Hackers Say They Stole ‘Millions’ of Records, Then Delete Statement

In a message posted to, and then quickly deleted from their darknet site, the hackers blamed for striking the UnitedHealth Group said on Wednesday they stole millions of sensitive records, including medical insurance and health data, from the company. In …

23andMe Says Health Data Was Included in Hack That Compromised 6.9 Million Users

Some 6.9 million 23andMe customers had their data compromised after an anonymous hacker accessed user profiles and posted them for sale on the internet earlier this year, the company said on Monday. The compromised data included users’ ancestry information as …

Private Health Data Still Being Exposed to Big Tech, Report Says

Despite recent efforts to address the issue, medical-related websites continue to be mined for data including personal medical information, in an apparent violation of patients’ privacy rights, according to a new study. Some of the most common tracking pixels were …

Significant Hack Potentially Exposes US Lawmakers’ Personal Data

A serious breach at a healthcare administrator serving the U.S. House of Representatives has potentially exposed the personal data of hundreds of lawmakers and their staff, top representatives and a senior Congressional official said in letters circulated on Wednesday. One …