personal injuries News

Verisk to Acquire Swedish Claims Insurtech Mavera

Verisk, the global data analytics provider, has entered into an agreement to acquire Mavera, a Sweden-based insurtech firm that operates a personal injury claims management platform. Financial details of the transaction were not disclosed. This addition of the Nordics personal …

UK Government to Ban Personal Injury Referral Fees

The UK government has come down on the side of the country’s insurance industry with its announcement from Justice Minister Jonathan Djanogly that it will ban referral fees in England and Wales. The charges are assessed when information concerning personal …

AXA UK Bans Lawyers’ Referral Fees; Calls for Whiplash Damage Reform

AXA UK has announced that it will no longer accept referral fees from personal injury lawyers and has issued a call for whiplash injury reform to eliminate fraud within the industry. The announcement noted that the company “has been a …