personal injury damages cap News

Kansas Supreme Court Throws Out Personal Injury Damages Cap

The Kansas Supreme Court on Friday ruled that the state’s cap on damages for noneconomic injuries in personal injury lawsuits is unconstitutional. The court ruled 4-2 that capping damages an injured person is able to recover in a lawsuit violates …

Tennessee Supreme Court Rejects Constitutionality Ruling on Damages Cap

The Tennessee Supreme Court has vacated the decision of a trial court that ruled a state law putting a cap on certain personal injury damages is unconstitutional. The decision stems from a negligence lawsuit brought by Donald and Beverly Clark …

Tennessee Judge: Cap on Personal Injury Damages is Unconstitutional

A Chattanooga, Tenn., judge has ruled that a state law that caps the amount of money someone can win in a personal injury lawsuit for noneconomic damages is unconstitutional. The Times Free Press reported that on Monday, Hamilton County Circuit …