Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America News

Biden’s Proposed Inflation Cap on Drug Prices Includes Private Insurance Plans

Workers and families with private health insurance would reap savings on prescription drugs from a little-noticed provision in President Joe Biden’s sweeping social agenda bill. It’s meant to break the cycle of annual price increases for widely used medicines. That …

Drug Industry Files Suit to Halt California’s Drug Price Law

The trade group representing U.S. drugmakers said it has a filed a lawsuit to stop California from implementing a law aimed at reining in prescription drug prices. The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, in a statement, said it filed …

Insurers, Drugmakers Tussle Over Drug Copay Caps

The battle over soaring U.S. drug prices is heading for the states. With the price of some treatments topping $100,000, patient groups are pushing for state laws to make sure insurers cover most of the costs. Their campaign is backed …