Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) News

Drug Firms Win Court Bid Halting White House Rule Aimed at Lowering Drug Prices

A late-term maneuver by President Donald Trump to use lower drug prices paid overseas to limit some of Medicare’s own costs suffered a legal setback last Wednesday that appears likely to keep the policy from taking effect before the president …

Inside Big Pharma’s Stealth War on Drug Price Watchdog: Reuters Special Report

As evidence grew this spring that the drug remdesivir was helping COVID-19 patients, some Wall Street investors bet on analysts’ estimates that its maker, Gilead Sciences Inc., could charge up to $10,000 for the treatment. Then a small but increasingly …

U.S. to Require Drug Companies to Disclose List Prices in TV Ads

The Trump administration on Wednesday said it will require drug makers to disclose the list price of prescription drugs in direct-to-consumer television advertisements, part of the government’s efforts to lower costs for U.S. consumers. The list price would be included …

Drug Ads on TV Would Show Prices Under Trump Administration Proposal

The U.S. government, in an effort to increase pressure on drugmakers to lower costs for U.S. consumers, said on Monday it will propose requiring companies to include the price of their prescription medicines in television ads. Health and Human Services …

Drugs Prices Much Higher in U.S. Than in Other Countries: Research

U.S. prices for the world’s 20 top-selling medicines are, on average, three times higher than in Britain, according to an analysis carried out for Reuters. The finding underscores a transatlantic gulf between the price of treatments for a range of …