pharmaceuticals News

Research Shows Low-Volume/High-Cost Meds in California Workers’ Comp

New research on low-volume/high-cost drugs used to treat injured workers in California spotlights a handful of anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant medications that have become significant cost drivers despite accounting for a relatively small share of the prescriptions within their therapeutic drug …

Viewpoint: Psychedelic Drugs to Treat Pain in Workers’ Compensation Cases?

Medical science has moved forward by leaps and bounds in recent years, and yet for too many injured workers, their initial work-related injury and subsequent medical treatment is only the start of an all-too-familiar downward spiral that often ends in …

COVID Vaccine Rollout Spurs Demand for Extra Insurance Coverage

LONDON – Speedy global delivery of COVID-19 vaccines by air and sea in ultra cold conditions will lead to a jump in cargo insurance rates and spur demand for new areas of coverage, leaving underwriters on high alert. Pharmaceutical companies …

Is the Aviation Insurance Market Ready for a COVID-19 Vaccine?

As the development, and possible mass production, of COVID-19 (C-19) vaccines gather speed, the transportation and logistics industry will need to turn its attention to how the product can be safely and efficiently distributed. Recent figures from the International Air …

Judge Cuts Johnson & Johnson Damages in Risperdal Case From $8 Billion to $6.8 Million

A Pennsylvania judge on Friday slashed to $6.8 million from $8 billion a punitive damages award against Johnson & Johnson to a man who said it failed to warn that boys using its antipsychotic drug Risperdal could grow breasts. Judge …

Drug Pricing Transparency Law Signed by California Governor

California Gov. Jerry Brown has signed state legislation requiring drug companies to report certain price hikes for prescription medicines in a move that could set a model for other states to follow. The law, which aims to provide more transparency …

More Drug Companies Vow to Limit Price Increases

Grappling with a backlash against high U.S. prescription drug prices, more pharmaceutical companies are pledging to limit annual increases to under 10 percent – but the tactic is doing little to salve critics, including President-elect Donald Trump, who on Wednesday …

Wearable Devices Being Used in Drug Trials, Medical Research

Pharmaceutical companies are enlisting Fitbits and other gadgets strapped to patients’ wrists, chests and skin as a way to bring drugs to market faster. What began as an aid for athletes and dieters to track their movements is quickly becoming …

Study: Formulary Could Save California Workers’ Comp $124M-$420M

Adopting a state-mandated workers’ compensation prescription drug formulary similar to systems in place in Texas and Washington could reduce California workers’ comp pharmacy payments by between $124 million and $420 million per year, a California Workers’ Compensation Institute study shows. …

Drug Makers Can Be Sued for ‘Pay for Delay’: Supreme Court

Drugmakers can be sued for paying rivals to delay low-cost versions of popular medicines, the U.S. Supreme Court said in a decision that rewrites the rules governing the release of generic drugs. The 5-3 ruling is largely a victory for …