phone hacking News

Three Mull Lawsuits in U.S. Against Murdoch’s News Corp.

Three people who believe they were targeted by a private investigator working for Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World while they were in the United States are considering suing his company in U.S. courts, a source close to the case …

News Corp. Admits Guilt, Settles Hacking Claims

The British newspaper arm of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. looks set to settle at great expense a string of legal claims after admitting wide-scale phone hacking that was both known about and concealed by senior management. Murdoch’s News International had …

Report: News Int’l. Ups Fund to Settle Illegal Hacking Claims to $155 Million

The British arm of News Corp has increased the legal fund it will use to settle civil litigation cases brought by victims of phone hacking to £100 million ($155 million) from £20 million [$31 million], the Independent newspaper reported on …

Murdoch’s News Corp to Close News of the World

Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation will close its tabloid News of the World after this Sunday’s edition, as a result of an escalating phone hacking scandal, James Murdoch said on Thursday. “The News of the World is in the business of …

News of the World Admits Phone Hacking Liability

Rupert Murdoch’s powerful British news operation reversed course on Friday and admitted responsibility in a phone hacking scandal that had already cost the prime minister’s spokesman his job. News International, parent company of Britain’s top-selling News of the World tabloid, …