physician professional liability News

Special Report: How U.S. Doctors Buy Their Way Out of Trouble

When federal enforcers alleged in 2015 that New York surgeon Feng Qin had performed scores of medically unnecessary cardiac procedures on elderly patients, they decided not to pursue a time-consuming criminal case. Instead, prosecutors chose an easier, swifter legal strategy: …

For U.S. Doctors, Being Sued Is Common Ailment

Getting sued is not an uncommon event for physicians. More than a third of physicians (34 percent) have had a claim filed against them at some point in their careers. Also, according to research from the American Medical Association (AMA), …

Hospital, Physician Professional Liability Undergoing Major Change: Aon

The way health care is delivered and financed is undergoing major change, and this is reshaping the risks that hospitals and physicians face on a daily basis. Among other challenges, hospital risk managers are grappling with greater physician integration and …