pilot error News

Poor Maintenance, Pilot Error Cited in Fatal New Hampshire Plane Crash

Improper maintenance and the pilot’s failure to abort takeoff likely caused a small plane to crash into a building in New Hampshire in 2022, killing both people on board and sparking a fire, the National Transportation Safety Board said in …

Out-of-Practice Airline Pilots Are Looking Error-Prone

Back in the cockpit after time off recovering from Covid-19, an airline pilot forgot to start his plane’s second engine for takeoff, a mistake that could have ended in disaster if he hadn’t aborted the flight. Another pilot, fresh from …

Pilot Failed to Control Plane in Texas Crash That Killed 10: NTSB

A pilot’s failure to control a small airplane when it lost thrust in one of two engines seconds after takeoff in suburban Dallas led to a 2019 crash that killed all 10 people aboard, federal officials said in a report. …

Drugs Found in 1 in 4 Pilots Killed in Crashes

More than one in four pilots involved in fatal crashes have drugs in their system, and the number is up slightly since researchers first studied the problem. The National Transportation Safety Board said Tuesday that 28% of pilots who died …

TransAsia Plane Crashed in February After Faulty Sensor, Errors by Pilots

A faulty connector sending inaccurate information and pilots mistakingly shutting down the wrong engine during a flameout led to the February crash of a TransAsia Airways Corp. plane, investigators said. Flight GE235 had a connector that failed to send right …

After Jet Crashes, Aviation Industry ‘Struggling’ to Re-Train Pilots

As investigators hunt for what caused an AirAsia jet to crash in an equatorial storm on Dec. 28, the aviation industry is still struggling to apply the lessons of accidents in similar weather over the past decade. It is too …

Rio-Paris Crash Probe Finds Air France Pilots Ignored Warnings

French investigators said on Friday that the crew of Air France’s Rio-Paris flight which crashed into the Atlantic two years ago ignored repeated stall warnings and failed to follow textbook procedures. France’s BEA authority issued 10 new safety recommendations aimed …