pipeline News

Russia Aims to Complete Nord Stream Gas Pipeline, Despite U.S. Objections

Russia’s Gazprom PJSC has made a request with the Danish government to deploy new vessels in the Baltic Sea for work on the disputed Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, Denmark’s environmental protection agency said. The application is the latest signal …

Senators Seek to Expand U.S. Sanctions to Insurance for Russia-Europe Pipeline

U.S. senators will announce a bill this week expanding sanctions on Russia’s Gazprom-led Nord Stream 2 project, Senate aides said, targeting a pipeline Washington says will make Europe too reliant on Russian gas. The Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Clarification Act …

Only 3 to Check Safety on Colorado Pipelines from Thousands of Wells

State records show Colorado has only three people assigned to check on the safety of pipelines running from about 54,000 active oil and gas wells, a task that came under scrutiny after a leaking pipeline was blamed for a fatal …

More Than 7,700 Gallons of Oil Sopped Up from California Coast

More than 7,700 gallons of oil has been raked, skimmed and vacuumed from a spill that stretched across 9 miles of California coast, just a fraction of the sticky, stinking goo that escaped from a broken pipeline, officials said. Up …

Broken Pipeline Spills Crude Into Los Angeles Neighborhood

A faulty valve at a petroleum pipeline pump station ruptured early on Thursday in an industrial corner of Los Angeles, spewing crude oil 40 feet (12 meters) into the air, onto the roof of a strip club next door, and …

U.S. Charges California Utility Over Pipeline Explosion That Killed 8

PG&E Corp., owner of California’s largest utility, was charged with 12 pipeline safety violations by the U.S. government for a 2010 natural gas explosion that killed eight people in San Bruno, California. The criminal case comes three and half years …

Utah, Chevron Agree On $5.35M Fuel Spill Settlement

Utah officials say they’ve come to a tentative $5.35 million settlement with Chevron after a pipeline leaked about 20,000 gallons of diesel fuel in northern Utah earlier this year. Chevron officials did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment Tuesday. …

W.Va. Official: Gas Pipeline Work Risks Contaminating Local Water Line

Water lines in Marshall County are being put at risk for bacteria contamination by crews installing pipelines for energy companies, a public service district official said. Natural gas pipeline crews are not following proper procedures when they dig around the …

Montana Reaches $1.6 Million Settlement with Exxon over Pipeline Spill

Officials in Montana have finalized a $1.6 million settlement with Exxon Mobil over an oil pipeline break that spilled 1,500 barrels of crude into the scenic Yellowstone River. The agreement between the Texas-based company and the state’s Department of Environmental …

Shell North Sea Pipeline Leak – ‘Substantial’

Royal Dutch Shell’s ruptured pipeline in the North Sea has already caused a “substantial” oil spill, with oil still leaking into the sea on Monday, the British government said on Monday. The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) said: …