Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration News

Regulator Bars Texas Plant Restart Over Safety Concerns

The second-biggest U.S. liquefied natural gas export facility hit by fire earlier this month will not be allowed to repair or restart operations until it addresses risks to public safety, a pipeline regulator said on Thursday. The June 8 blast …

Ruptured Pipeline Spills 300,000 Gallons of Diesel Near New Orleans

A severely corroded pipeline ruptured and spilled more than 300,000 gallons (1 million liters) of diesel fuel just outside New Orleans, according to federal records. The spill from the 16-inch (40-centimeter) diameter line operated by Collins Pipeline Co. was discovered …

Regulators to Fine North Dakota Pipeline Operator $93K for Safety Issues

Federal regulators say they plan to fine the operator of the Dakota Access Pipeline $93,200 over pipeline safety violations. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration says the violations pertain to physical aspects of the pipeline and monitoring systems. There …

Trump Safety Regulator Blocks Washington State’s Crude Oil Train Rules

The U.S. pipeline regulator late on Monday blocked an effort by Washington state to tighten vapor pressure restrictions on the transport of crude oil by rail, saying the measures would not lower the risk of explosions. The decision by the …

U.S. Wants Regional Response Teams for Oil Train Wrecks

Federal transportation officials are requiring railroads to establish regional response teams along oil train routes following a series of fiery derailments. The new rule is aimed at having crews and equipment ready in the event of an accident. It applies …

Changes Urged Amid Probe of Fatal Pennsylvania Gas Explosion

Federal authorities investigating a gas explosion that leveled a Pennsylvania home last year, killing one utility worker and injuring two other workers, are urging changes to prevent incorrect installation of a gas distribution system component. The National Transportation Safety Board …

Federal Appeals Court Voids Exxon Pipeline Safety Order

An appeals court has voided an order that would have required Exxon Mobil to revise its pipeline safety procedures after a 2013 oil spill in Arkansas. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration issued the order in 2015, and it …

Pennsylvania Utility Worker Killed by Debris from Home Blast

A coroner says a utility worker was killed by flying debris when a Pennsylvania house exploded while he was responding to a reported natural gas leak. The National Transportation Safety Board continues to lead the investigation into Sunday afternoon’s blast …

Pipeline Owner: North Dakota Crude Spill Larger than First Estimated

A crude oil spill in western North Dakota in December is now believed to be about three times bigger than originally estimated, pipeline owner True Companies said, making it the largest crude leak to affect water in the state in …

Cleanup Ongoing after North Dakota Pipeline Oil Spill

Roughly a third of the more than 3,000 barrels of oil that spilled into a North Dakota creek following a pipeline leak last week has been recovered, a local official said. An estimated 4,200 barrels of oil leaked from the …