plastic pollution News

Ship Carrying Chemicals Sinks Near Sri Lanka Capital, Prompting Pollution Fears

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka – A container ship carrying chemicals sank off Sri Lanka’s capital on Thursday nearly a month after catching fire, raising concerns about a possible environmental disaster. The ship’s operator said the wreck of the Singapore-flagged X-Press Pearl …

Sri Lanka Seeks Interim Claim of $40M from Operator of Wrecked Cargo Ship

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka – Sri Lanka is seeking an interim claim of $40 million from the operator of a fire-ravaged cargo ship to cover part of the cost of fighting the blaze, officials said Saturday. Sri Lanka’s attorney general has …

Contaminants from Sri Lanka Ship Wreck Could Cause Wide-Reaching Damage

Contaminants released from the wreckage of a container ship off the coast of Sri Lanka could be dragged thousands of kilometers by ocean currents, impacting wildlife and humans in far-reaching latitudes. Authorities and salvage crews are now working to prevent …

Data Recorder Recovered from Ship Carrying Chemicals Sinking Off Sri Lanka

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) – Experts recovered the data recorder of a fire-ravaged ship carrying chemicals that is slowly sinking off Sri Lanka’s capital, as salvage crews stood by to head off a possible environmental disaster, officials said Sunday. The …