U.S. Exports Seen at Risk as Russia Enters WTO

U.S. agricultural, aircraft and other exports to Russia could suffer unless Congress passes legislation soon recognizing the former Cold War enemy is now a fellow member of the World Trade Organization, trade experts and business groups said. After 18 years …

Time Running Out for Russia Trade Bill Says Congressman

Time is running out for Congress to approve a Russia trade bill before Moscow formally enters the World Trade Organization in August, potentially putting U.S. exporters at a huge disadvantage, a senior Republican lawmaker said. Representative Kevin Brady said House …

House Lawmakers Reach Deal on Russia Trade Pact, Rights Bill

The top Republican and Democrat on the House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee said on Thursday they had reached a deal to move forward on Russian trade legislation, including human rights provisions opposed by Moscow. “I am pleased that …

Senate Panel Approves Russia Trade, Human Rights Bill

The Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday unanimously approved a bill to ensure U.S. exporters share in the benefits of Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization but also to punish Russian officials for human rights violations. The legislation still faces …

Russian Lawmakers Ratify WTO Entry

Russian lawmakers voted on Tuesday to ratify accession to the World Trade Organization, bringing the world’s largest country into the club that sets global trade rules after a tortuous 18-year negotiating marathon. The lower house vote, carried by a majority …