police reform News

Senators Still Working on Bipartisan Federal Police Reform Bill

U.S. Senator Tim Scott said he’s hopeful an agreement on police reform will be reached but vowed that any final accord wouldn’t “demonize” the police, including allowing individual officers to be sued in civil cases. “That is dead-stop not going …

Civilian Board Formed to Review Birmingham Police Actions

A five-member board of civilians is being established to review complaints of police misconduct in Alabama’s largest city, Mayor Randall Woodfin said Monday. The Civilian Review Board, which was recommended by a task force that reviewed public safety following the …

Rhode Island Lawmakers Introduce Police Reform Bill

Two Rhode Island lawmakers introduced legislation that would ban police from using chokeholds and require body-worn cameras for officers in every department statewide, among other things. The bill proposed by Sen. Jonathon Acosta and Rep. Jose Batista, both Democrats, also …

Report: Bias ‘Deeply Entrenched’ in North Carolina Police Force

Racial bias is “deeply entrenched” within a North Carolina police department where officers feel comfortable making blatantly racist comments, according to findings of a study released last month. The report on the Apex Police Department by Raleigh-based Diversity & HR …

Louisville Approves Police Oversight Board to Investigate Complaints, Killings

Officials in Kentucky’s largest city have approved the formation of a police oversight board. The Louisville Metro Council voted last month on the ordinance that will create the 11-member Civilian Review and Accountability Board, and an inspector general that will …

Judge Blocks Trump ‘Secretive’ Commission Report on Police and Civil Justice

Before a U.S. federal judge on Thursday halted the work of a Trump administration law enforcement commission – saying it had violated public meetings laws – the panel had been warned about shutting out public input by several of its …