Pot business News

Wisconsin Governor to Propose Decriminalizing Marijuana

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers will propose decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana in his plan for the next state budget, a newspaper reported Sunday. Evers also will propose legalizing marijuana for medical conditions including cancer, post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain, …

$6B in Marijuana Sales in Colorado Since 2014

Colorado regulators say more than $6 billion in marijuana products have been sold since 2014 in the state. The figures released this week represent sales through the end of 2018. According to the Colorado Department of Revenue, more than $1.54 …

Firm Battling over Hemp Product Idaho Says Is Pot

A company has filed a lawsuit against Idaho State Police and Ada County after authorities seized nearly 7,000 pounds of cannabis from a truck headed to Colorado, the Idaho Statesman reported. Authorities who stopped the truck said it was filled …

Audit of Oregon’s Marijuana Program Shows Regulators Fail to Meet Basic Standards

A new audit says Oregon’s marijuana program has failed to keep up with mandatory inspections, its weak testing system threatens to expose consumers to contaminants and regulators have done little to address black market diversion. The audit, released by the …

Nevada Marijuana Sales Near $42M as of October

New numbers show Nevada marijuana sales are continuing to grow. The Nevada Department of Taxation announced this week that Nevada had nearly $42 million in marijuana sales in October, which generated $8.24 million in tax revenue for the state. The …

Oregon Mulling Marijuana Exports to Other States

Marijuana could take the next step toward joining pinot noir and craft beer on Oregon’s list of famous exports, under a proposal likely to go before state lawmakers in the new year. The Statesman Journal reports that the Craft Cannabis …

More Marijuana Products in California Passing Safety Tests

A higher percentage of California marijuana products are passing strict safety tests, but the sudden closing of a lab that state authorities found wasn’t correctly checking for pesticides has raised new questions about the system intended to protect the purity …

Alaska Marijuana Tax Revenue over $1M in September

Marijuana tax collections in Alaska dipped slightly in September but still totaled about $1.5 million. Figures released by the state Revenue Department show tax revenue of $1.48 million in September, compared to $1.54 million in August, which remains the high. …

Judge Dismisses County’s Case Against Oregon Marijuana Legalization

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by Josephine County against the state of Oregon over legalized marijuana. The Daily Courier reported that U.S. District Judge Michael McShane earlier this week signed a formal order dismissing the lawsuit. It …

Marijuana Legalization Advocates Seek Foothold in Midwest States

Backers of broad marijuana legalization are looking to break through a geographic barrier in November and get their first foothold in the Midwest after a string of election victories in Northeastern and Western states. Michigan and North Dakota, where voters …