Pot News

Committee Approves Oregon Marijuana Bill

After weeks of stalemate, a state legislative committee has advanced a bill setting up Oregon’s legal marijuana system. The approval of the joint House-Senate committee on Monday sends the bill to the full House, which can take it up as …

Workers Can Be Fired For Off-Duty Marijuana Use, Colorado Court Says

Pot may be legal in Colorado, but you can still be fired for using it. The state Supreme Court ruled Monday that a medical marijuana patient who was fired after failing a drug test cannot get his job back. The …

Marijuana Ban in Washington County Upheld By Judge

A superior court judge on Monday agreed with an opinion issued by the Washington Attorney General’s Office earlier this year, concluding that nothing in a pot legalization initiative overrides local governments’ authority to regulate or ban marijuana businesses This allows …

Stoned Driving Epidemic In Colorado, Washington Puts Wrinkle In Pot Debate

Angeline Chilton says she can’t drive unless she smokes pot. The suburban Denver woman uses medical marijuana to ease multiple sclerosis symptoms and says she’d never get behind the wheel right after smoking. But her case underscores a problem that …