Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research News

Extreme Weather Risk Grows as Warming Earth Disrupts High-Altitude Winds: Study

Scorching summer heatwaves and downpours are set to become more extreme in the northern hemisphere as global warming makes weather patterns linger longer in the same place, scientists said on Monday. They said there was a risk of “extreme extremes” …

Arctic Melt Creates Weakest Gulf Stream in 1,000 Years, Weather Shifts Expected

Gulf Stream water currents in the Atlantic Ocean have slowed to the weakest in as long as 1,000 years, threatening shifts in U.S. and European weather, as well as coastal sea levels including in New York and Boston. The currents …

Climate Researchers Lower Global Warming Forecast on Plans to Cut Emissions

Climate researchers lowered their forecast for global warming for the first time since 2009 after the greenhouse gas polluters agreed to limit their emissions over the next 15 years, a group of European academics said. Efforts by the U.S., European …

Report Says Seas May Rise over 7+ feet Per Degree Celsius of Global Warming

Sea levels could rise by 2.3 meters [app. 7.66 feet] for each degree Celsius [1.8°F] that global temperatures increase and they will remain high for centuries to come, according to a new study by the leading climate research institute, released …