PRA News

Large British Insurers Get Major Exemption from Proposed EU Audit Rules

Britain’s biggest insurers will be exempt from having their most important indicator of financial health externally audited under proposals issued by the Bank of England on Friday. New European Union rules will require British-based insurance firms from January to meet …

UK Insurers & Banks Must Appoint Whistleblower ‘Champion’ in UK Rules

UK banks and insurers must appoint a senior manager to “champion” internal whistleblowers as regulators attempt to protect tipsters who come forward with evidence of illegal conduct. The U.K. Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority published the rules Tuesday, …

UK Regulator Toughens Rules to Hold Insurers’ Execs Responsible for Failures

UK insurers face tougher conduct rules as the Financial Conduct Authority makes it easier to hold individuals at financial firms to account for failures on their watch. The FCA issued final rules on Thursday amending its accountability framework for firms …

Hiscox CEO Supports Industry-Wide Stress Test for 9/11-Scale Event

UK regulators need to widen stress tests for insurers to show how the whole industry, including themselves, would respond to an event on the scale of the 9/11 attacks, Hiscox Ltd. said. Unless the Prudential Regulation Authority, or PRA, can …

UK Insurers to Stress Test Capital Reserves Against Synchronized Terrorist Attack

UK regulators have asked property and casualty insurers to stress test their capital reserves against catastrophes, including a synchronized terrorist attack in London, New York and one other major city. The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) published the exercises last week …

Lloyd’s Market Association Questions Aspects of FSA Regulatory Reform

In a response to the proposals to restructure the UK’s financial regulations the Lloyd’s Market Association (LMA) has taken issue with some of the proposals, which, in its view are “over-engineered” and excessively “bank centric.” “The future regulation of the …

Financial Consultant Bjelobaba Analyzes Changing UK Regulations

The UK’s Conservative government announced, even before it was elected, that it planned to reform the country’s financial regulatory system – for banks, investment providers and the insurance industry. On February 11, 2011 it released the proposals it has been …