premiums News

Lockton Study Finds Recent Catastrophes, Changing Models Affecting Property

In a new Market Update report insurance broker Lockton cautions that aftershocks from earthquakes in Asia Pacific and new catastrophe models create an uncertain environment for property insurance buyers. In the report Lockton’s Jim Rubel explained that recent events “are …

Beazley Remains Confident, Despite Q1 Catastrophes

The first quarter of 2011 reminded the insurance industry of just how unpredictable natural catastrophes can be. Beazley plc, which is headquartered in Dublin, but whose main activities, are in the Lloyd’s market, and increasingly in the U.S., saw Q1 …

Debate Begins: Will Japan Disaster Raise Insurance Rates?

Losses from the Japanese earthquake will reduce insurers’ capital reserves, insurance brokers said Tuesday, as sector shares continued their sharp declines on fears the disaster’s size could grow. Ace, a leading insurer and reinsurer, warned the Japanese earthquake would cause …

EU Court Rules Insurers Cannot Link Risks to Gender

Insurance companies cannot take gender into account when setting premiums and paying out benefits from annuities and retirement savings or accident cover, the European Union’s top court ruled on Tuesday. The ruling by the European Court of Justice could increase …

Aon Report Concludes P&I Clubs See Improvements on All Fronts

A report from Aon Risk Solutions, the global risk management business of Aon, concludes that Protection and Indemnity (P&I) Clubs are experiencing a “continued improvement in claims trends, and a restored investment performance.” As a result, “ship-owners face the prospect …