prescription drug costs News

Co-Pay Tactic by Benefit Managers Credited with Cutting Prescription Drug Prices

A recently adopted tactic by U.S. health plans to limit the financial assistance drugmakers provide directly to consumers for prescription medicines is taking a toll on drug prices, according to a new analysis released on Tuesday. Real U.S. drug prices, …

States See Mixed Results from Reforms Targeting Physician-Dispensed Drugs: WCRI

A new study has found that state reforms to control the costs of prescription drugs by targeting reimbursements for physicians dispensing them are having some effect but that physician-dispensing still accounts for a large share of prescription drug costs in …

Commercial Health Plans’ Spending on Drugs Slowed in 2016: Express Scripts

Express Scripts Holding Co., the largest pharmacy benefit manager in the United States, said prescription drug spending for its members slowed to less than 4 percent in 2016, at a time when scrutiny of drug price hikes has intensified. Prescription …

Study: 43% of Insurers’ Prescription Payments Going to Specialty Drugs

The latest study of medicine prices finds U.S. insurers’ spending on expensive prescription drugs nearly quadrupled from 2003 through 2014, when the number of such prescriptions filled tripled. Spending on expensive “specialty” drugs by commercial insurance plans jumped from 11 …

Opioid Alternatives Can Be Hard-to-Find and Costly

Ken Manning’s head is held up by two metal rods, four plates, and 17 screws in his neck. Since falling off a frame at a carpentry job in the early 2000s, he has had four surgeries, leaving his tanned neck …

Vermont to Become 1st State Requiring Drug Makers to Explain Price Hikes

Vermont is poised to become the first state requiring drug companies to explain their price increases, and Bob and Deborah Messing think that’s a good idea. The Messings live in Montpelier and are in their early 70s. She’s on Orencia, …

Here’s What’s Happening with Drug Costs in Workers’ Compensation

Overall pharmacy spending increased 2.2 percent for U.S. workers’ compensation payers in 2015 due to higher drug prices, according to a report by benefit manager Express Scripts. That overall increase was a function of 2.6 percent lower injured workers’ drug …

Analysis: North Carolina Studying Drug Formularies in Workers’ Comp Claims

During the 2015 legislative session, the North Carolina General Assembly authorized and funded a study regarding prescription drug formularies in workers’ compensation claims brought by state employees. While this statute does not create a formulary, it certainly shows that the …

Drugs Prices Much Higher in U.S. Than in Other Countries: Research

U.S. prices for the world’s 20 top-selling medicines are, on average, three times higher than in Britain, according to an analysis carried out for Reuters. The finding underscores a transatlantic gulf between the price of treatments for a range of …

Affordable Care Act Attracting Younger, Healthier Insureds

Obamacare is attracting younger and healthier people to its coverage plans this year, according to research by Express Scripts Holding Co., a trend that could help balance and sustain the law’s insurance markets. According to the report, which looked at …