prescription drug epidemic News

Report: West Virginia Leads U.S. in Prescription Drug Overdoses

Nearly 2,900 West Virginians have overdosed on prescription painkillers or heroin over the past five years, according to the state Health Statistics Center. The center also said overdose deaths last year were the highest in West Virginia since 2011, and …

Study: Kentucky Prescription Drug Law Successfully Curbing Abuse

Prescriptions for painkillers and doctor-shopping by pill seekers have decreased since Kentucky passed legislation targeting prescription drug abuse, according to a University of Kentucky study. The law passed during a special session in 2012 expanded the state’s prescription drug monitoring …

West Virginia Looks to Tackle Highest Drug Overdose Rate in Nation

West Virginia has the highest rate of overdose deaths in the U.S., according to a report released this week, further spotlighting Appalachia’s festering drug abuse problem that is also fueling a rise in hepatitis C in one of the nation’s …

Texas Officials Want Drug Database Moved from DPS

Some Texas lawmakers say prescription drugs can be bettered monitored by moving the state’s database out of the Department of Public Safety. House and Senate committees that studied the issue recommend that the State Board of Pharmacy take over the …