Prestige Limousine News

Limo Service Manager Convicted of Manslaughter in New York Crash That Killed 20

A limousine service manager was convicted of manslaughter Wednesday in a crash that killed 20 people in rural New York, one of the deadliest U.S. road wrecks in two decades. Jurors reached their verdict during their second day of deliberations …

Jurors Hear Closing Statements at Trial Over Fatal New York Limo Crash That Killed 20

The operator of a limousine company who has been accused of acting recklessly and causing the deaths of 20 people, is not to blame for the 2018 upstate New York crash, because he tried his best to repair and maintain …

Trial Underway for Fatal New York Limousine Crash That Killed 20

A limousine company operator on trial for a crash that killed 20 people in upstate New York was portrayed by a prosecutor Monday as directly responsible for the deaths, while a defense lawyer argued he was simply in the dark …

Feds Fault Operator, Regulators in New York Limo Crash That Killed 20

State regulators repeatedly failed to properly oversee a poorly maintained stretch limousine with corroded brakes that hurtled down a hill at more than 100 mph and crashed in a ravine, killing 20 people, federal investigators said. National Transportation Safety Board …

NTSB Finds Limo Owner Evaded Safety Rules Before Fatal New York Crash

The owner of the stretched limousine that crashed and killed 20 people in upstate New York repeatedly changed the listed number of seats in the vehicle and took other steps to avoid safety regulations, according to documents released Wednesday by …

Lawyers Blame Act of God, Lack of Seatbelts for New York Limo Crash

Lawyers for the operators of a limousine that crashed and killed 20 people in upstate New York say the deaths could have been caused by an act of God or the passengers’ failure to wear seat belts. The Times Union …

Feds Upset Over Lack of Access to Limo in Fatal New York Wreck

The National Transportation Safety Board told a New York prosecutor she has hampered the agency’s efforts to determine the cause of the limousine crash that killed 20 people in her rural upstate county, the nation’s deadliest transportation wreck in nearly …

Limousine Company Operator Arrested Following Deadly New York Crash

Police charged a limousine service operator Wednesday with criminally negligent homicide in a crash that killed 20 people, while the man’s lawyer said that he wasn’t guilty and that police were rushing to judgment. Prestige Limousine operator Nauman Hussain was …

Limo Service Lawyer Says Violations Fixed Before Fatal New York Crash

The limousine service under scrutiny after a crash that killed 20 people fixed safety violations in its fleet before the tragedy, said a lawyer who suggested the driver was unfamiliar with the rural road. Prestige Limousine has been criticized for …

New York Governor Says Limo That Crashed Shouldn’t Have Been on the Road

The supersized limousine that crashed and killed 20 people outside a country store failed a safety inspection last month and shouldn’t have been on the road, and the driver wasn’t properly licensed, New York’s governor said Monday. The state moved …