prices News

Climate Change Poses Risks to Food Supplies Beyond U.S. Drought

Downpours and heat waves caused by climate change could disrupt food supplies from the fields to the supermarkets, raising the risk of more price spikes such as this year’s leap triggered by drought in the United States. Food security experts …

SCOR Posts 11% Increases in Renewal Pricing

SCOR Global P&C (SGPC) recorded 11 percent growth at constant exchange rates from the €328 million [$435 million] in premiums that were up for renewal on April first, “with no increase in exposure to natural catastrophes.” SGPC also noted that …

European Insurers’ Greek Hit Fuels Debt Concerns

Allianz and Generali followed rivals in aggressively writing down holdings of Greek government bonds on Friday, fuelling investor concerns about the possible impact on insurers of a worsening sovereign debt crisis. Analysts say major European insurers have moderate exposure to …