PricewaterhouseCoopers News

Low Prices Ultimately Could Bite London Market Insurers: A.M. Best, PwC Reports

The business outlook for the London insurance market is a familiar one across other global markets: underwriting profits are under pressure as ongoing soft market prices begin to take a toll. In separate reports on the London market, both A.M. …

Kenyan Insurers Face New Capital Rules Which Could Lead to Market Shakeout

A push by Kenyan regulators to clean up the East African country’s insurance industry is poised to trigger stake sales or exits by underwriters unable to meet the new capital requirements, according to an industry group. Most companies missed a …

Insurers Ignore FinTech Revolution at Their Long-Term Peril: PwC

While 90 percent of insurers fear they will lose business to a FinTech start-up, only 43 percent say they have put FinTech at the heart of their corporate strategies, according to report published by PwC. As customers demand personalized insurance …

London Re/Insurance Market Faces Risk of Casualty Reserve Shortfall: PwC

There is a real risk that casualty reserves for business written in 2015 will run off at a loss in the future, according to PwC’s London re/insurance market review of reserve adequacy. PwC pointed to the fact that the strength …

World Drone Business to Grow More Than 6000% by 2020 in $127B Market: PwC

Drones will soon be boosting crop yields, verifying insurance claims, and assisting in future Hollywood blockbusters in a business that’s due to boom by more than 6,000 percent by the end of the decade. The global market for commercial applications …

UK Firms ‘Can’t Afford to Ignore’ Cyber Risks, One of Top Business Threats: PwC

UK companies and institutions remain vulnerable to cyber attacks despite the fact that many CEOs now rank cyber as one of the top threats to their businesses, warns PwC’s Cyber Security practice. Almost three-quarters (74%) of chief executive officers in …

Storm Frank Batters North Britain; Total Storm Losses Could Top $4.5 Billion

Torrential rain and gale force winds battered northern Britain on Wednesday, cutting power to thousands of homes and forcing some to evacuate flooded streets in the third major storm in a month. The Environment Agency said Britain had faced an …

Economics of Climate Change, Climate Fiction and Climate Control

With fresh news out on the global economic cost of climate change, an enticing climate fiction contest and a sweet victory for this column, it would take until Christmas to individually cover it all in a bimonthly space. So I’ll …

Climate Change Regulations for Insurers Not Out of Realm of Possibility

Some sort of climate change regulation for the insurance industry could be just around the corner. Then again, it might not be. It’s a tossup in the eyes of Don Reed, a managing director in PricewaterhouseCoopers’ U.S. sustainable business solutions …

Advice to Bankrupt MF Global Could Cost Accounting Firm $1 Billion

A federal judge on Wednesday ordered PricewaterhouseCoopers to face a $1 billion lawsuit claiming that its bad accounting advice was a substantial cause of the October 2011 bankruptcy of MF Global Holdings Ltd., a brokerage run by former New Jersey …