priest abuse cases News

Baltimore Archdiocese Files for Bankruptcy As State Ends Shield Against Old Claims

The Archdiocese of Baltimore announced Friday it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization days before a new state law goes into effect removing the statute of limitations on child sex abuse claims and allowing victims to sue their abusers decades …

Vatican Tribunal Processes ‘Tsunami’ of Clergy Sex Abuse Complaints

The Vatican office responsible for processing clergy sex abuse complaints saw a record 1,000 cases reported from around the world this year – and still some regions that haven’t reported any allegations at all. The Congregation for the Doctrine of …

Court Rules for Archdiocese in Connecticut in Priest Abuse Insurance Case

A federal appeals court says an insurance company must reimburse the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hartford nearly $1 million for payments the archdiocese made to settle sexual misconduct cases involving priests and minors. A three-judge panel of the 2nd U.S. …