priest sex abuse News

Clergy Sexual Abuse Probe Targets New Orleans Catholic Church Leaders

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Authorities have expanded an investigation of clergy sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church in New Orleans to include senior church officials suspected of shielding predatory priests for decades and failing to report their crimes to …

Maine’s Ending Limits on Child Sex Abuse Suits Is Unconstitutional, Church Tells Court

A lawyer for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland told supreme court justices Thursday that Maine’s elimination of time limits on child sex abuse lawsuits is unconstitutional and imposes new liabilities, a reference to costly lawsuits that have driven some …

Baltimore Archdiocese Suspends Monk Who Paid to Settle Sex Harassment Complaint

A Benedictine monk has been suspended from ministry after the Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore recently became aware of a payment he made several years ago to settle sexual harassment allegations. Last week, Father Paschal Morlino was dismissed from his position …

70-Year-Old Man Settles With Catholic Diocese Over Sex Abuse Suffered at Age 8

A 70-year-old man who recently reached a settlement with a Roman Catholic diocese in Massachusetts over sexual abuse he suffered at age 8 said Wednesday he is speaking out because “my voice was taken away from me for all those …

4 Penobscot Indians Accuse Maine Priests of Sexual Abuse

Four Native Americans who say they were abused by three Roman Catholic priests on their reservation in Maine are the latest to bring lawsuits since the state fully lifted the statute of limitations for child sex crimes. The Penobscot Nation …

Victims Question If Baltimore Church Sex Abuse Report Is Complete

While the Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore has long touted its transparency in publishing the names of clergy credibly accused of sexual abuse, a report released this week by the Maryland attorney general’s office raises questions about whether the church’s list …

Judge Approves Release of Baltimore Church Sex Abuse Report

A judge on Tuesday granted the Maryland Attorney General’s Office permission to publicly release a redacted version of an investigative report detailing sex abuse allegations against more than 150 Roman Catholic priests and examining the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s response. Officials …

Massachusetts Diocese Releases Clergy Abuse Report With No Names

A Roman Catholic Diocese that covers central Massachusetts has published a new report about clergy sexual abuse of minors between 1950 and 2022, but unlike similar reports released by many other dioceses, the report did not include the names of …

Lawsuits Alleging Maine Church Knew About Sex Abuse Now Number 14

Two more people have filed lawsuits alleging sexual abuse by a Roman Catholic clergy member and a nun — both deceased — raising the number to over a dozen since Maine loosened the statute of limitations last year. One of …

Maine Catholic Church Hit With More Sex Abuse Claims Under Revised Law

Four people in Maine have filed lawsuits with claims that they were sexually abused by Catholic priests as children. Three men sued the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland on Thursday in Cumberland County Superior Court. The men allege they were …