priest sex abuse News

Buffalo Diocese Agrees to Clergy Oversight Plan as Part of Abuse Settlement With State

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo has agreed to strengthen its oversight of clergy accused of sexual misconduct to settle a lawsuit brought by New York’s attorney general alleging the church mishandled abuse claims and protected predatory priests, authorities said …

Church Official Warns of Financial Flood from Clergy Sex Abuse Claims

A top official with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe says a financial flood from clergy sex abuse claims is coming and a settlement would serve as the dam to prevent devastation to parishes across northern New Mexico. A letter from …

Sexual Abuse Victims Claim Catholic Church Pressured Them Into Unfair Settlements

Two impoverished Mississippi men who say they were sexually assaulted by Franciscan missionaries filed a federal lawsuit Thursday claiming that Catholic officials pressured them into signing settlements that paid them little money and required them to remain silent about the …

Vatican Said to Be Changing Law Shielding Bishops Who Hide Sex Abuse

The legal loopholes that have allowed Catholic bishops to escape sanction when they cover up clergy sex abuse cases may be closing. Two U.S. cardinals have confirmed that the Vatican is working on a “clarification” to a 2016 law that …

Some Question Independence of Proposed Catholic Laity-Led Sex Abuse Investigations

A committee created by the Catholic Church specifically to prevent sexual misconduct by clergy on Tuesday issued a damning assessment of the failings to stem the abuse, calling it an “evil” caused by “a loss of moral leadership.” The National …

New Jersey Diocese Settles Priest Sex Abuse Suit for $610K

The Trenton Diocese has paid $610,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by a New Jersey man who said he was sexually abused for years as a teen by a priest who headed the diocese’s youth group. Forty-two-year-old Chris Naples of …