privacy risk News

Where the AI Risks Are: Swiss Re’s Top 10 Ranking by Industry

The insurance industry came in sixth in a ranking of 10 major industries based on current AI risk, and seventh based on future risk, with health care replacing IT as the most exposed sector in the next 10 years. The …

The Changing Risk and Liability Landscape: New Tech, New Loss Scenarios

Advancements in technology are changing the risk landscape irrevocably and driving potential big changes in liability, and other insurance, claims activity. The opportunities for business from new technologies such as autonomous machines, artificial intelligence, smart factories and digitalized supply chains …

The Top Risks Americans Face in Their Everyday Lives: Travelers Index

Sixty-three percent of Americans believe their world is becoming a riskier place, while only 15 percent feel it is less risky. Americans’ greatest concerns are financial security, loss of privacy and identity theft, personal safety and the increased frequency of …