Private Attorneys General Act News

California to Change Labor Law That Cost Businesses $10 Billion

California’s largest business and labor groups agreed to change a landmark law that has helped workers sue companies such as Walmart Inc., Uber Technologies Inc. and Google for workplace violations. The deal caps years of efforts by the state’s employers …

California Governor Wants to Curb a Labor Law That Cost Businesses $10B

For two decades, a California law has helped workers sue the world’s biggest companies. Drivers for Uber Technologies Inc. won a $20 million settlement, Google employees secured $27 million over complaints of free-speech violations, and Walmart Inc. agreed to pay …

States May Copy California’s Law to Give Employees Right to File Class Actions

This week, the U.S. Supreme Court is considering whether employees have the right to bring class actions against their bosses. With the court’s Republican majority restored this year by President Donald Trump, labor advocates aren’t holding their breath. Instead, they’re …

Appeals Court Grants Uber Pro-Arbitration Ruling, Thwarting Drivers’ Class Action

Uber Technologies Inc.’s arbitration agreements were largely ruled by an appeals court to be valid and enforceable in a blow to driver efforts to secure the benefits and protections of employees in California. The decision is the first by a …

Failure of Uber Settlement Opens Door for Wage Claims

The rejection of a $100 million settlement with drivers comes with plenty of silver linings for Uber Technologies Inc. The gray cloud for the ride-hailing company is that a dozen or so lawsuits that would have been silenced may now …

Judge Nixes $100M Driver Settlement But Uber May Win in End

Uber Technologies Inc. may come out ahead by failing to win court approval of a $100 million settlement with drivers. A San Francisco federal judge rejected the agreement on Thursday, a turn of events that would typically encourage the ride-hailing …