Product Recall News

Rhode Island Bakery Linked to 56 Salmonella Cases

Fifty-six people have fallen ill with suspected cases of salmonella amid an outbreak that may be linked to a Rhode Island bakery. That’s up from 39 people as of three days ago. The Rhode Island Department of Health said Friday …

Toyota Wins New York Case over Unintended Acceleration

A federal jury found that Toyota Motor Corp. isn’t responsible for a 2005 crash that the driver blamed on the floor mat or the electronic throttle, in the first case to go to trial since automaker recalled millions of its …

Turner Joins XL as Product Recall Manager

Insurer XL has added John Turner as Product Recall Manager for North America. Turner, based in New York, has more than 20 years of insurance market experience, including multi industry product recall and product liability cover in North America. Most …

Lexington Expands Product Liability with Product Recall Endorsement

Lexington Insurance Co., a Chartis company, has expanded its products liability insurance coverage to respond to the increasing risks associated with product recalls. Through a relationship with the Crisis Management unit of WorldSource, a division of Chartis, Lexington insureds will …