Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS) News

An Origin Story: The History of the Professional Liability Underwriting Society

The Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS), as it exists today, does not have a written narrative or any acknowledgment on its website about how the organization was created, the timeline, the individuals primarily involved, or all the events that had …

PLUS Offers Cyber Liability Insurance Designation

The Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS) has launched a designation program for cyber liability professionals. The Cyber Professional Liability Practitioner (CPLP) designation builds on the organization’s Registered Professional Liability Underwriter (RPLU) designation that has been earned by more than 3,000 …

Vape Crisis Prompts Calls for Greater Clarity in Cannabis Regulation

Cannabis industry lawyers are calling for greater clarity around regulation of the cannabis industry. Panelists at the 2019 Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS) Conference in Washington D.C. this month said the ongoing vape crisis in particular highlights the need for …

Insurers May Not be Able to Avoid Blockchain, Virtual Currencies ‘Sweeping Through Industry’

Insurers need to be thinking about blockchain technology and virtual currencies like bitcoin and how to approach these areas of emerging risk as they become harder to ignore, according to panelists at the 2018 Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS) Directors …

Cyber Insurance: Many Choices Now That There Is No Choice

Every organization, of every size and operational orientation, needs cyber insurance to manage its exposures in this age of networked information. That was one thing speakers agreed on at the recent 2017 Cyber Liability Symposium held by the Professional Liability …

Internet of Things Is Industry Disruptor that Could Benefit Innovators: Efma Report

The steady advance of the internet of things (IoT) presents a huge number of opportunities for insurers – as well as threats, according to a digest published by Efma*. The rise in connected homes, connected cars and the use of …

PLUS Names Thompson as Executive Director

Robbie Thompson has been hired as the new executive director for Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS). Thompson brings 18 years of management experience to PLUS, most recently as president and CEO of the Credit Union Association of the Dakotas in …

Executives Examine D&O Claim Trends, Cyber Exposure

A number of industry executives spoke with Insurance Journal recently to share their observations on the current directors and officers liability insurance claim trends. Executives also spoke about a new potential D&O exposure that’s been getting a lot of attention …