Progressive News

California Court Expands Policyholders’ Right to Sue Insurers

An uptick in consumer protection lawsuits against California insurance companies is widely expected in the wake of a state appellate decision allowing a policyholder to sue The Progressive Group of Insurance Companies over alleged unfair claims practices, legal observers said …

Progressive Names JP Morgan’s Miller as Director

Insurance company Progressive Corp. said that it named JPMorgan Chase & Co. executive Heidi Miller as a board member and authorized a share buyback. Miller, 58, will serve a term that ends at Progressive’s annual shareholders meeting in April 2012. …

Progressive Seeks to Add 95 Employees in Colorado

Ohio-based The Progressive Group of Insurance Companies announced it is seeking to fill fill 95 sales and customer service positions in Colorado Springs, Colo., by the end of June. The hiring plans come as the company’s vehicle insurance business grows. …

Progressive Goes National with Usage-Based ‘Snapshot’ Car Insurance Program

Progressive has begun national advertising for its “Pay-As-You-Drive” program, Snapshot, which offers drivers discounts of as much as 30 percent based on real-time analysis of their driving habits. Over the past few years Progressive has been refining its “Pay-As-You-Drive” program, …