property damage claims News

N.Y. Emergency Reg Requires Insurers to Expedite Claims Related to Civil Unrest

The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) has issued an emergency regulation requiring New York-regulated insurers to accelerate the claims process for businesses and individuals suffering damage as a result of looting. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s announced the …

South Carolina High Court: Reimbursement Not Required When Police Damage Property

South Carolina isn’t required to reimburse private property owners for damage by law officers doing their jobs, the state Supreme Court ruled Wednesday. The 3-2 ruling involves the takeover of a Spartanburg convenience store in 2004 by Jimmy Johnson, who …

Non-Covered Claims May Exhaust Primary Limits, Trigger Umbrella

A recent ruling from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in Louisiana clarified that an umbrella policy may be triggered even when the underlying insurance is exhausted by claims that would not be covered by the umbrella policy itself. The …