property insurance losses News

West Virginia Saw 5 Tornadoes Last Week, Double the Yearly Average

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) โ€” The National Weather Service on Monday confirmed a fifth tornado touched down during severe storms that barreled across West Virginia last week. That’s more than double the state’s average for an entire year. West Virginia saw …

‘Eyewall Replacement’ Led to Weakening of Hurricane โ€“ This Time, NHC Says

In the final hours before Hurricane Idalia struck Florida the storm had grown into a Category 4 beast lurking off the state’s west coast, and the forecast called for it to continue intensifying up until landfall. An Air Force Reserve …

Aftermath of Charlotte Fire: Two Workers Could Not be Saved by Firefighters

Crews searching the rubble of a massive construction fire in North Carolina on Friday found the bodies of two people that firefighters couldn’t reach before the flames became too intense. Authorities didn’t identify the victims, but officials said two workers …

More States Adopted Professional Standards for Public Adjusters This Year

A movement to establish professional standards for public adjusters gained ground this year, with lawmakers in five states passing bills that impose new controls over a trade that already requires a license in 46 states. Brian S. Goodman, general counsel …

Recovery Continues After Tornado Hits Palm Beach Gardens

A tornado touched down in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, on Saturday as a powerful storm system brought intense rain and powerful winds to the state, overturning cars, damaging homes and snapping tree branches. The National Weather Service in Miami said …

Insured Losses from Mississippi Tornado Nearing $100 Million

Insurance losses from the March tornado that carved a path of destruction through parts of Mississippi are approaching $100 million, and uninsured losses will likely exceed that number, the state insurance department announced Tuesday. The damage is particularly severe in …

Wildfire Threat Grows as Florida Drought Worsens

The threat of wildfires is growing in Florida over the coming weeks as more than half the state is experiencing severe to extreme drought conditions likely to persist until rainy season resumes around mid-May, state and federal officials said Thursday. …