Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act News

Orlando Victims Watching Sandy Hook Gun Manufacturer Liability Case Opening Today

A case in Connecticut state court could help victims from mass shootings — including the recent massacre in Orlando — sue manufacturers of military style assault rifles used in the attacks, despite state and federal laws granting them immunity. On …

Families of Shooting Victims Sue Wal-Mart Over Sale of Bullets

Wal-Mart Stores Inc , the world’s largest retailer, faces a lawsuit in Pennsylvania claiming store employees negligently allowed an underage, intoxicated customer to buy a box of bullets later used to commit three murders. The lawsuit, filed in Philadelphia by …

Gunmakers’ Liability Shield Emerges as Issue in Democratic Presidential Race

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Sunday backed away from a controversial vote he cast in 2005 on legislation to grant immunity to gun manufacturers and dealers from liability if their firearms are used criminally. On NBC’s Meet The Press,one …

Court Rules New York Shooting Victim Can Sue Gun Maker

A Buffalo man who was shot nearly a decade ago can sue the manufacturer, the distributor and the dealer of the semi-automatic pistol used to shoot him, a New York state appeals court ruled on Friday. Attorneys for Daniel Williams, …