protectionism News

Political Risk Tops List of Worries for Insurers Across Globe: GS Survey

Political risk is the biggest concern this year for insurers globally, following several shock outcomes in 2016, a survey of insurers managing $10 trillion in assets showed on Thursday. Political events have overtaken issues such as worries about an economic …

Global Protectionism Risks Economic Growth: Zurich, Atlantic Council

A rise in global protectionism stemming from a backlash against free trade and globalization could have significant impact on economic growth, poverty levels and the potential for military conflict, according to a new report from the Atlantic Council and Zurich …

ICC Denounces Growing Protectionist Trend in G20 Countries

The Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has issued a statement urging G20 leaders to “keep markets open to trade, following worrying results from a recently released WTO-OECD-UNCTAD report that G20 countries are increasing protectionist measures.” The joint report by …