public adjusters News

A Hint of Light in the Public Adjusting World

I recently read an article on Claims Journal about licensing for public adjusters. Here it is. Public Adjusters Winning Broad Support for Licensing as Carriers Fret About Inflated Claims Let me quote from a paragraph that was surprising to me. …

Notes on Public Adjusters

I recently had a conversation about public adjusters. Here’s the short version of that conversation. What is a public adjuster? Would you recommend someone use a public adjuster? That made me think that we could bring some of that conversation …

Explaining a Policy to Someone Who Knows Better

A good friend and colleague forwarded me a press release written and sent out by a public adjusting company. Since I was wondering what to write about this week, I’m truly grateful for the article, but when I read it, …

New Law in Oklahoma Sets Requirements for Public Adjusters

Oklahoma’s governor has signed legislation proposed by the state insurance department that specifies certain required and prohibited actions of public adjusters. According to Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak, Senate Bill 439, signed by Gov. Mary Fallin aims to protect Oklahoma …

N.Y. Enacts Referral Disclosure Requirement Law for Public Adjusters

New York State’s Act 5775, which took effect Jan. 1, restricts public adjusters from receiving a referral fee or having an ownership interest in a restoration or repair company working on the claim unless such compensation to the public adjuster …

Connecticut’s Disaster Claims Mediation Program Bill Takes Effect

In Connecticut, the state’s insurance department now has the legal authority to establish a mediation program for claims disputes arising from catastrophic losses. The state’s Public Act 13-148 — which was signed into law by Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy in …

N.J. Commissioner Reminds Public Adjusters to Keep Fees Reasonable

The N.J. Banking and Insurance Department’s Acting Commissioner Ken Kobylowski issued a bulletin last week to all public adjusters reminding them that the fees they charge consumers must be reasonably related to services performed. The bulletin also informed public adjusters …

Florida Supreme Court Weighs If Public Adjuster Law Limits Free Speech

Public adjusters would have more access to homeowners in the immediate aftermath of a storm if the Florida Supreme Court rules Florida’s current public adjuster law unconstitutional. The Florida Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in the case of Atwater …