public safety News

Oklahoma Highway Patrol Losing Ground Due to Budget Cuts, Official Says

The Oklahoma Highway Patrol is understaffed and struggling to accomplish its statewide public safety mission due to declining revenue that’s led to reductions in staff and restricted travel, according to the state’s commissioner of public safety. Cost-cutting measures will help …

Oregon Transportation Needs Include Preparing for Earthquake Damage

A major fault off the Oregon Coast is expected to produce an earthquake, and transportation officials say preparing for that event needs to be a top priority. The Medford Mail Tribune reported a Cascadia Subduction Zone event tops the needs …

New Storm Shelters Opening in Mississippi County Today

George County, Miss., will officially open two new storm shelters Tuesday in Agricola and Benndale. The county began the construction of the shelters two years ago. The $3.2 million project was paid for with a Federal Emergency Management Agency grant. …

California Senator Proposes 4 a.m Last Call for Alcohol

Last call at California restaurants, bars and nightclubs could come later under legislation proposed by a state senator from San Francisco. Sen. Mark Leno’s bill would allow cities and counties to petition state alcohol regulators to allow alcohol service until …

Federal Watchdog Issues Report on Gas Pipeline Safety

Federal regulators must account for response times in the data they collect from transmission operators on natural gas pipeline incidents, a congressional watchdog agency said this week. The U.S. Government Accountability Office said in a report that the Pipeline and …

Boston Police Clamp Down on ‘Slam Dancing’

Police recently cited a city club for allowing violent mosh pit dancing and vowed a crackdown on what they called “dangerous behavior” and a “public safety hazard.” The Boston Herald reports that police cited the House of Blues for a …

Oklahoma Public Safety Officials Seek More Funding

Following three years of budget cuts, Oklahoma’s public safety officials told lawmakers their budgets need a boost to restore workforce levels and replace antiquated facilities and equipment. The heads of Oklahoma’s public safety agencies told members of a House budget …

Amish Men Not Backing Down in Kentucky Fight Over Buggy Safety

On Jacob Gingerich’s farm in western Kentucky, there is no phone or electricity for his family of 12 children. He even sees putting an orange safety triangle on their black horse-drawn buggy as a violation of the simple and pious …

Florida Undertakes Hurricane Readiness Exercises

Florida began its sometimes annual hurricane exercise Monday after skipping the practice storm last year because officials were busy with a real emergency — the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The hurricane taking aim at Florida is fictional, but it’s …