Puerto Rico insurance deparment News

Puerto Rico Reforms Claims, Surplus Lines, Other Insurance Laws

The governor of Puerto Rico overhauled the U.S. territory’s insurance laws on Tuesday to help protect policyholders as thousands of claims remain unresolved more than a year after Hurricane Maria. Gov. Ricardo Rossello signed six laws into effect as he …

Insurers Under Scrutiny in Puerto Rico with 13,600 Hurricane Maria Claims Still Open

Thousands of Puerto Ricans have been forced to drain their savings, close their businesses, or resign themselves to living with structural damage as they fight insurance companies over millions of dollars’ worth of claims that have gone unanswered or unpaid …

State Commissioners Assist Puerto Rico Insurance Department

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) says that since January, 10 state insurance departments have sent more than 20 regulators and NAIC has sent staff to support the office of Puerto Rico’s insurance commissioner. Puerto Rico has been recovering …