Queensland News

Flood-ravaged Queensland Braces for Tropical Cyclone Yasi

Just as TC Anthony dissipated over Queensland the flood ravaged State received a warning that another tropical cyclone is heading its way. According to catastrophe modeling firm AIR Worldwide, Cyclone Yasi was “about 1630 kilometers [1018 miles] east northeast of …

Queensland Hit by TC Anthony, Perth by TC Bianca – RMS Report

Tropical Cyclone Anthony made landfall over the coast of the Australian State of Queensland on Sunday, close to the town of Bowen, and approximately 275 miles (440 kms) southeast of Cairns. An analysis of the storm from Risk Management Solutions …

Australia Floods Could be Costliest Natural Disaster Ever

Floods that ravaged Australia’s northeast and swamped a major city could be the country’s most expensive natural disaster ever, the government said Monday. Flooding inundated new areas in the south Monday, where water seeped into the streets of rural communities …

Floods Head for Australia’s Brisbane, Many Evacuate

Authorities urged thousands of residents to leave the outskirts of Australia’s third largest city on Tuesday as others sandbagged homes and stockpiled food in anticipation of rising floodwaters and further heavy rain. Ten people died overnight, with cars and pedestrians …