r.m. palmer News

OSHA Fines Pennsylvania Candy Factory for Not Evacuating Before Fatal Explosion

A Pennsylvania chocolate factory was fined more than $44,000 by the federal workplace safety agency on Thursday for failing to evacuate before a natural gas explosion that killed seven people. R.M. Palmer Co. did not heed warnings from employees about …

Gas Leak From Bad Fitting Cited in Chocolate Factory Explosion Where 7 Died

Natural gas leaked from a defective fitting at a Pennsylvania chocolate factory where a powerful explosion leveled one building, heavily damaged another and killed seven people, federal safety investigators said Tuesday, while noting they have yet to determine the cause …

Workers Recall ‘Rotten Egg’ Smell Before Chocolate Factory Blast

Workers at a Pennsylvania chocolate factory smelled “rotten eggs” before a powerful natural gas explosion that leveled one building, heavily damaged another and killed seven people, federal safety officials said Tuesday in a preliminary report. The National Transportation Safety Board’s …

Wrongful Death Suit Claims Chocolate Factory Ignored Warning Before Deadly Blast

A Pennsylvania candy-maker ignored warnings of a gas leak at its chocolate factory and bears responsibility for a subsequent explosion that killed seven workers and injured several others, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday. The family of Judith “Judy” Lopez-Moran, …

Chocolate Factory Blast a Deadly Reminder of Combustion Risks

Last week’s fatal blast at a Pennsylvania chocolate factory highlighted the combustibility of food plants in general and chocolate making in particular. The powerful explosion at 75-year-old R.M. Palmer Co. – which makes chocolate eggs, bunnies, bars, coins and other …

Wreckage Complicates Job of Investigators of Chocolate Factory Deadly Blast

Investigators looking for the cause of a deadly explosion that leveled part of a Pennsylvania chocolate factory faced an even more difficult task Monday as they combed through wreckage that was extensively picked apart and moved around during the intensive …