racism allegations News

Mother Settles Suit Over Texas Arrest Caught on Camera

A Texas city has settled a federal civil rights lawsuit filed by a Black mother after she and her daughter were wrestled to the ground and arrested by a white police officer following a dispute with a neighbor. Jacqueline Craig …

DOJ Investigating Racism Allegations in Kansas City Police Force

The U.S. Department of Justice has opened an investigation into allegations of discrimination against Black officers by the Kansas City Police Department that reportedly begins during hiring and extends to promotions and discipline. The federal agency announced the inquiry in …

Black Firefighters in North Carolina Allege Racism Amid Larger Reckoning

They threw her new cellphone on the roof of the station house and placed nails under the wheels of her pickup truck. As she prepared to answer a call, someone poured tobacco juice in her boots. It was too much …

Black North Carolina Firefighters Allege Racism in Grievance

Black firefighters in a North Carolina city have filed a grievance alleging that white captains talked about running over protesters and a firefighter made a noose during a rope and knots class. The grievance filed by Black firefighters with the …

Texas Windstorm Insurance Association Disavows Racism Allegations

Texas’ insurer of last resort in coastal areas has denied allegations that a culture of racism has existed within the organization. Responding to claims by a Houston-based trial lawyer that employees of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association often used racist …